
Autumn & Winter Trends: Purple Smokey Eye Tutorial


1. Take a matte colour a little bit warmer than your skin colour, this will act as a transition shade which will make it easier to blend out any colour you place on your lid. Place it on your crease and blend it out above to remove harsh lines.
2. Next take a matte dark shade of purple and pat the colour onto your eyelid and not above the crease. Patting on the purple will help the colour become more intensified. Using a clean brush, blend above the purple and into your transition colour.
3. Next take a matte black eyeshadow and place it on the inner and outer corners of your eye, leaving the middle section purple.
4. With the same clean brush blend the edges of the black shadow to remove harsh lines. 

5. Lightly sweep your brush at the crease to connect the colours. Remember not to disturb the middle section of purple.
6. Carefully add the same purple colour to the bottom lashline.
7. Add the black eyeshadow to the outer part of your lashline and blend into the purple. Then take your transition colour and blend the bottom of the lashline to make everything look blended.
8. Add a shimmery purple eyeshadow onto the centre of both your eyelid and lashline.

Add some mascara to the top and bottom lashes. It's up to you if you want to add lashes or an eyeliner, I chose not to. Here is my completed look:

mwah x

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